One for all

Accidental overdosing on the Covid-19 vaccine had been reported but without serious harm or side effects to those who got more of the recommended dosage.

When 107 under-12 children were each given coronavirus vaccine shots of 20 micrograms, instead of 10 micrograms, at an Urbandale, Iowa clinic in November, they only felt longer than normal sore arm, headache, fatigue or fever, reported.

There was also deliberate overdosing of the vaccine, like what a 65-year-old Indian man did in December.

Retired postman Brahmdeo Mandal, 65, and a resident of Madhepura district, Bihar State, claimed getting 11 Covid-19 vaccine shots at different vaccination sites using different identification cards from February to December last year, BBC News reported. Officials only noticed his vaccination spree when he tried to get his 12th shot and was stopped.

While Mandal did not suffer serious side effects from repeated Covid-19 vaccinations and claimed he even felt better as his body aches and pains disappeared, officials were angry over the failure of vaccine administrators to detect the anomaly.

Amarendra Pratap Shahi, civil surgeon of Madhepura, told the BBC, the vaccination portal might have failed in properly registering Mandal or vaccinators were negligent in screening people.
Nevertheless, Mandal’s antic has been superseded by a more bizarre immunization incident in India last week.

Thirty students had gotten Covid-19 vaccine shots at a school in Sagar district, Madhya Pradesh when their parents complained of something amiss with the person giving the shots and reported it to school authorities, according to BBC News.

When reporters asked Jitendra Rai why he vaccinated the children using only one syringe, he explained it was the only one given to him by the health department and he was just following orders, BBC News reported.

State health officials sought Rai but he left the school and his phone was turned off, so they filed a case of negligence against him.

WJG WITH AFP @tribunephl_wjg

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