Benilde’s freshest cream of the crop

As virtual graduation exercises have gradually taken a bow to in-person commencement ceremonies, top achievers are once again in the limelight due to their talent and effort, devotion and dedication, through their several years of study, most specially as they took on the never-experienced-before mode of teaching during the pandemic.

Though from different backgrounds, upbringings and circumstances, these academically-brilliant students from the De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde have all triumphed with laurels over extraordinary challenges.

Ladies and gentlemen, allow the spotlight to shine on them as they share words to aspiring Latin Honorees:

Julius Gabriel D. Lamberto
Bachelor of Science — Hotel, Restaurant and Institution Management
Summa Cum Laude

Who or what inspired you to excel?
Sadly, negative stereotypes about tourism and hospitality students exist. As I pursued my passion, my main goal was to prove that I had made the right decision: Tourism and Hospitality students can excel and contribute to the development of our country’s economy.

Share your best study habits.

I focused and put extra effort into my weaknesses. Before the day ends, I constantly review my notes to avoid cramming on exam days.

What are your professional or educational plans after graduation?
I entered Benilde with a dream of becoming an airline cabin crew. Upon graduation, I realized the various opportunities within the industry.

Maurene Hernandez
Bachelor of Science — Hotel, Restaurant and Institution Management
Summa Cum Laude

Who or what inspired you to excel?
My drive for excellence has always been internal. I set my own standards. However, my parents have always been my inspiration. Seeing how proud they are has always been my greatest reward.

Share your best study habits.

Plan, read, familiarize and repeat. I allot more time and attention to subjects that I find more difficult. It is also important to rest after every study session. Do not push yourself too hard. Being kind to yourself always pays off.

What are your professional or educational plans after graduation?
I am very thankful that to have started my cabin crew journey this early. Presently, I have concentrated all efforts on this new path.

Creesian Skeen C. Villaruel
Bachelor of Arts — Multimedia Arts Summa Cum Laude

Who or what inspired you to excel?
The people in my life, most especially my family and dear friends, have always been my driving force. Because of them, I continue to grow and find new ways to cultivate my skills, create and share ideas.

Share your best study habits.

Everyone has their preferred style of studying. Find what works best for you. Never forget to rest and prioritize your health!

What are your professional or educational plans after graduation?
Learning doesn’t stop. There is still so much to learn in life and as a designer. I hope to use my learnings as a way to also help communities and serve the people!

Joshua Carlos Barrera
Bachelor of Arts — Arts Management
Magna Cum Laude

Who or what inspired you to excel?
I simply wanted to be a better person than yesterday. Not particularly the best in high school, I decided in college to truly give everything I’ve got.

Share your best study habits.

My study habits could be summarized into five aspects: listening, interaction, note-taking, exploration and time management.

What are your professional or educational plans after graduation?
I have recently been producing artworks for shows and commissions here and abroad, while doing project-based work for cultural institutions. I became active in volunteerism and community engagement — helping out in the promotion and preservation of traditional art forms, namely knitting and weaving, in the provinces of Ifugao and Benguet.

Samantha Louise Chloe Lumang
Bachelor of Science— Industrial Design
Magna Cum Laude

Who or what inspired you to excel?
Being blessed with a scholarship and the value of service are what inspired me to excel, whether they were through service projects, organization engagements, or helping other fellow scholars.

Share your best study habits.

Use your time wisely. Make time for studies, family and friends — even in small increments. Failure is growth, not disappointment. I realized that even the smartest make mistakes. The most successful people initially failed before they achieved.

What are your professional or educational plans after graduation?
Currently, I am working as a Design Guru in a small company called GetCre8ive Corporation. Come next year, I hope to start my masters degree journey in Industrial Design and Marketing. I volunteer with the Teach Peace Build Peace Movement, advocating for peace education in schools and communities nationwide.

Sean Eidder Reynon
Bachelor of Arts — Multimedia Arts
Magna Cum Laude

Who or what inspired you to excel?
I have a lot of idols. There’s one for every industry I wish to penetrate. I live by the words of Chuck Palahniuk: “I am the combined effort of everyone I’ve ever known”.

Share your best study habits.
Reading is definitely at the top of my list. The clutter on my desk at home are just piles of magazines waiting to be read. Printed materials and its tactility is a whole multisensory experience I favor, but I also appreciate the efficiency and accessibility of online content.

What are your professional or educational plans after graduation?
The dream is to become an editor-in-chief for an international publication. But for now, I value my opportunities as a multi-brand creative director in the food, shipping, fashion, automotive and creative industries.

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