Size truly matters

In a sea of pop-ups and click-on online advertising, nothing beats a head-turner, giant-sized billboard.

Businesses are back in full swing and the public is more exposed outdoors as the world is now opening its doors despite the pandemic. As the world continues to evolve, marketers are reaching out to their target audience to promote their brands.

As digital media is now inescapable, advertising has practically appeared in various platforms, causing major interruptions for consumers. According to the 2018 AdReaction: The Art of Integration, a study by the Kantar Millward Brown that examined the global state of multichannel advertising campaigns, 72 percent of Filipinos agreed that ads are more intrusive now.

With that perception, advertising companies are stepping up their game by creating impactful messages and creating effective advertising campaigns to boost brands amid a post-pandemic set-up.
But where the internet has become too noisy for consumers, billboards play an integral part in the process of promoting products without invading one’s personal space.

Photographs courtesy of DOOH

Billboards are inescapable

While everyone is going out and traveling to their workplaces, schools and leisure destinations, people are still clutching on to their mobile phones. But without the connectivity, a brand story couldn’t be heard or seen. But billboards can.

From railways, buildings and roadsides, billboards are omnipresent. It’s taking advertising to another level with LED displays making it more captivating on the road or on buildings in the Metro. With its creative and powerful statements, bold and dynamic images and colors, it can instill in the mind of the consumers.

In choosing to go modern or traditional, Digital Out Of Home (DOOH), a pioneering leader in this sector, converges both mediums to bring out the best in promoting products.

As the world moves every single day, billboards stand out in the middle of the road or along with towering buildings, bringing engaging messages that one reads not only in the streets of NCR but also on the bustling roads of C5 and EDSA.

DOOH takes pride in the company’s over 3,700 advertising platforms in high-traffic places around the Philippines that ensure the brand’s story reaches the audience with maximum awareness and visibility.

The company also takes pride in launching “The Mother of All Billboards,” the largest billboard display area located strategically at EDSA Guadalupe, the 34,200 square foot billboard display by DOOH is considered the biggest in the country.

“Looking back at setting up the business, LED billboard providers were difficult. But with any kind of work that you’re passionate about, you won’t focus on the difficult areas and it won’t feel like work,” stated Alvin Carranza, president and CEO of DOOH in a previous interview.

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