Seven-point agenda (2)

I was able to come up with the following: (1) zero tolerance for drug smugglers; (2) curb gun smuggling; (3) eliminate agricultural smuggling; (4) increase revenue generation; (5) fully digitalize Customs processes; (6) increase employee morale; and (7) eradicate corruption.

Zero tolerance for drug smugglers. The President once told me point blank that he would fire me if illegal drugs continue to pass through the ports under my watch. That stern warning was enough to keep me and the BoC on our toes and to be one step or even two, three steps ahead of the enemy.

Come hell or high water, I will keep my promise to do my best to eradicate the smuggling of drugs via our ports. Many years before, in the course of performing my duty as a drug enforcer, I took the lives of criminals who shot it out with us, and I am willing to go down that road again just to keep our borders safe.

Gun smuggling. The proliferation of loose firearms in the country and a perceived weak arms control policy that not only tends to fatten the coffers of those engaged in the illegal trade but its odious contribution to the rising crime rate and violence-related cases in the country is undeniable.

This is one of the President’s tall orders that the BoC intends to focus on during my tenure. As part of the solution, we created the Customs Firearms and Explosives Unit last October. This unit is present in all ports nationwide with the sole duty of stopping gun trafficking.

Eliminate agricultural smuggling. The side effects of this malpractice are evident in the almost daily rise in the price of farm produce staples, to the detriment of not only the consumers but also of farmers who feel that the government does not give them enough support.

I have initiated several meetings with our counterparts to start the ball rolling, reaching out to other government agencies so we can all work hand in hand to tackle this gigantic headache. The bureau will introduce a risk-based profiling system and science-based approach to fight agri-smuggling.

Increase revenue collection. The bureau will adopt best practices from such first-world customs administrations like Japan and South Korea, and integrate these into a truly Filipino approach.

We have started our no-contact policy, no cash payments, and document tracking system to monitor document dwell time in each office. Faster import processing means faster revenue earned by the government. Plain and simple.

Fully digitalize customs processes. The road to a fully digitalized Customs administration did not come about just because of the pandemic. The Bureau continues to enhance its trade facilitation and collaboration efforts to digitize customs processes, improve information and communications technology, and create a collaborative work environment. The President himself highlighted the need for a streamlined and digitized Bureau of Customs in his State of the Nation Address.

Increase employee morale. This is one area that is dear to my heart for once upon a time I, too, came from the ranks. I started my career in government as an intelligence officer in PDEA, a member of Class Unang Sinag, the pioneers of PDEA Academy.

I know how it feels to toil under the heat of the sun or through cold rain, hoping management would recognize our efforts.

Under my watch, we will continue to address the welfare of BoC employees by providing in-house and outside training for its workforce and generally enhancing a better employer-employee relationship.

Eradicate corruption. Easier said than done? Difficult to achieve, but possible if one puts his heart into it. After all, they say it takes more than one way to skin a cat. Or for the mouse to outsmart the cat.

This is where I dare say, I will choose to dream the impossible dream. Fool! They may say that, but I don’t care, I am willing to die trying to fulfill this dream.

Better to try and fail than to never try at all. As famed aviator Amelia Earhart had once put it: “The most effective way to do it is to do it.”

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