Can two different species mate and produce children?

Part Two

Any high school student who believes so will surely flunk his Biology class. And yet, the great 15th-century scientist, physician, metallurgist, and alchemist Paracelsus believed that elementals like dwarves, sylphs, fairies, and other elemental creatures can marry humans and beget children.

He was not alone in such a belief. If we look at certain ancient civilizations and cultures, we will come across similar beliefs.

FATHER of all gods and humans, Zeus.

The ancient Greeks believed that their gods and goddesses mated with humans and begat children. “Zeus and other Olympians were constantly and permanently knocking up princesses, queens, nymphs, sirens, and just plain maidens bathing in the pool. Zeus even managed to impregnate a mortal woman when he disguised himself as a swan or a bull.”

Hercules was the illegitimate child of Zeus and a mortal woman, as were Perseus, Helen of Troy, and Minos (among so many).

“And ancient Greeks literally believed that Zeus could produce offspring with mortal women in the real world. Alexander the Great’s mother claimed that Zeus had fathered her son. Alexander the Great was alleged to have actually believed this himself.

Ancient Greeks believed that their gods and goddesses mated with humans and begat children.

And in the Christian Bible, Genesis 6:1-4:

“There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men which were old and renowned.” They were called the Nephilims.

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