Jesus vs Satan: U.S. courts war

Federal court blocks Biden’s ‘transgenderism’

The war between Jesus and Satan is infecting U.S. jurisprudence. Joe Biden came up with an administrative order requiring doctors to perform transgender surgery even if they have moral objections.

However, on 9 December 2022, the Federal Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit unanimously and permanently blocked the controversial US Department of Health and Human Services ‘transgender mandate’, which requires doctors to perform surgery even if they are convinced it could harm the patient. The Biden order includes allowing even children to have transgender surgery at such an early age.

“The federal government has no business forcing doctors to violate their consciences or perform controversial procedures that could permanently harm their patients,” Luke Goodrich of Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, said.

‘Conversion Therapy’ attempts to persuade patients away from transgender surgery through ‘counseling’, which has become a big controversy. Biden and transgender advocates have vehemently objected to this form of ‘brainwashing’. Biden issued an executive order on 15 June 2022, banning the use of ‘Conversion Therapy’ “to defend the LGBT community from various forms of discrimination and expressed opposition.”

The order described ‘Conversion Therapy’ as “efforts to suppress or change an individual’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.” Twenty states and about a hundred municipalities have banned ‘conversion therapy’ for minors, virtually leaving the transgender issue in the hands of consenting parents.

On the other hand, André Van Mol, chair of the Committee on Adolescent Sexuality of the American College of Pediatricians, says banning counseling will encourage “sexual minority youth to experiment on unproven hormonal and surgical-affirming therapy (GAT)”. (Newsmax, 16 December 2022).

Abortion drops by 97% in Texas

Meanwhile, another victory for anti-abortionists is the dramatic drop by 97 percent of abortions in Texas, according to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Texas was the pioneer in anti-abortion laws adopted subsequently by many other states.

Abortions in Texas dropped dramatically to 68 cases in July 2022 from a staggering 2,596 in June. This was a month after the Supreme Court reversed the Roe vs. Wade precedent, which virtually legalized abortion in the entire U.S. The reversal was also based on another case, Dobbs vs. Jackson (Women’s Health Organization), confirming with finality that there was no constitutional basis for the right to abortion.

However, this is not a total victory because of the trend that women seeking abortion can travel to nearby states where abortion is allowed. There are no existing statistics correlating this out-of-state practice, which nullifies present abortion figures.

The global war between Jesus and Satan persists

The war between Jesus and Satan in the U.S. is essentially a stalemate. About half of the states are for abortion, the other half against it, with a handful who are hesitant to join the fray. Observers say it is a war based on politics, with the Democrats for abortion, and the Republicans against it. But the religious reality runs deeper than political party lines. It is more a ‘moral war’ rather than a ‘legal war’.

The politicians, Biden and the Democrats, employ the force of law to require dissenters to follow their wishes. The religious, Pope Francis and the Cardinals and Archbishops, aligned with the Republicans, resist legal mandates on moral grounds. There are splinters even within the Church among prelates as much as among politicians.

When pro-abortionist solons attempted to require by law that all hospitals perform abortions on demand by patients, the Catholic hospitals, which constitute the majority, said they will close down the hospitals if required to commit murder. The solons were silent and it was another victory for the anti-abortionists.

On the global stage, the goal of funding abortion clinics and advocacy by the U.N. and the U.S. across Third World nations is to stem the tide of runaway population explosion. But the end does not justify the means of legalized murder, say the anti-abortionists. The problem is – in Third World countries, such juicy funds are tempting.

Alas, most nations worldwide, more than half of them Christians, have legalized abortion. Only a handful cling to fight the murder of unborn babies. The war goes on. Theologians relate the disaster and wars that are plaguing us today to this legalized murder.


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