We choose to be happy

The world today is in such turmoil and unrest that I have chosen the path of peace, joy, and happiness as the key to achieving inner peace. Let us allow the light of happiness to prevail in our hearts, minds, and spirits. Let us mend this wounded world with happiness.

To be happy and to pass on this happiness from one human being to another human being is the most noble and purposeful act we can do. This is the constant act in our life and the greatest challenge we need to do and is the most fulfilling and rewarding when it becomes our way of life.

But how do we become happy?

FIND inner peace that leads to true happiness.

There are many people who find happiness in the simplest things: From notes or texts of friends to sweet smiles from a loved one to dancing even when no one is dancing with you. However, there are those who have toiled all their lives to achieve their dreams, yet happiness remains elusive.

Pursuing happiness in our daily lives does not mean we do not get hurt, frustrated, or disappointed. The reality is, there will always be pain, tears, sadness, and confusion. But it is in the overcoming of these strong emotions and life’s constant challenges that could lead us to the path of happiness. It is when we are mindful and treat others with respect and dignity, understanding and compassion, and in forgiving those who have hurt us that we find inner peace that leads us to true happiness.

We need to develop a humble and grateful heart, to realize that we need to work for our goals, do good to our neighbors, uplift the marginalized and find the good in others that will lead us to the way of happiness. It is the journey itself and the lessons we learn that gives us the joy and happiness that makes life worth living.

THERE will always be tears, sadness, and confusion in life.

As we go through life, we discover that true happiness resides within our deepest core as it ignites our hearts and spirits to soar into our highest beings.

Happiness is a state of mind. True happiness is without beginning or an end because it resides in our spirit, and it is the deepest connection between our minds, hearts, and eyes as we view the world with happiness.

For humankind to survive in this troubled world, happiness should be everyone’s goal in life. Only then do we discover the peace and love that happiness brings forth.

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