Celebrate being a senior

What is the essence of growing old? I strongly believe that the essence of every human being is resistant to the passage of time. Why? Because our inner souls are eternal so much so that our spirits remain vibrant, strong, and as young as when we were born as babies.

Keeping this thought in mind, I am delighted to share with my readers that the age of 70 is the new 50! What we need to do is take control of our health, mind our diet, keep a positive attitude, and live life to the fullest with a happy mindset.

The New England Medical Journal shares, “Loss of sleep is a natural phenomenon as we age.” We should therefore avoid sleeping pills and just go with the natural rhythm of our bodies and sleep when the need is there. As seniors, we have the privilege to sleep when we want to. As to cholesterol levels in our system, this is the raw material for our bodies to generate immune cells. The more immune cells our bodies produce, the lower the risk of cancer for older people. With reference to blood pressure — since we eat nourishing food, it is natural for our blood pressure to shoot up to 200 but not to worry because today our arteries are tougher so we can avoid bursting arteries.

You probably think I am not serious, but I am the walking model of a healthy senior as I do not take any maintenance pills and I have no illness to speak of. I have only been to the hospital twice in my life — when I gave birth to two healthy children via caesarean operation performed by the most distinguished and renowned Dr. Constantino Manahan of the Makati Medical Center.

TAKE control of our health, mind our
diet, keep a positive attitude, and live
life to the fullest.

I am, therefore, sharing with everyone my secrets of good health:

1. We should live with a grateful heart. Thank God for all our blessings. Meditate. Keep a Grateful Journal and document all the wonderful blessings we receive daily.
2. We should keep moving. Walk. Dance to keep our muscles nimble and flexible. Soak in the sun for 30 minutes while we inhale and exhale to keep our lungs healthy.
3. Hydrate. Drink eight glasses of water daily to flush all the impurities in our system.
4. Use our minds. Keep writing. Document our legacy. Share our narratives with family and friends. Communicate. Be connected.
5. Avoid medicine. Use the natural healing properties of herbs, sleep, and the sun.
6. Love what you do. Laugh a lot. Hug often. Forgive. Do not keep grudges. Avoid anger, hatred, and animosities.
7. Live simply. Bathe daily. Use nice clothes and spray cologne to keep you feeling fresh.
8. Join family and friends to eat outside often. Celebrate milestones. Live each moment with deep appreciation. Be generous.
9. Eat everything in moderation. Chew your food slowly as it regulates the rhythm of the stomach.
10. Think happy thoughts. Our oxytocin and serotonin levels are up when we keep our positive thoughts and do good deeds for others.

We control our lives and what we do with it. My advice is do everything in moderation, mind your own business and do what you believe is the right thing.

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