Is adrenal fatigue real?

The term “fatigue” has been used to describe a sense of getting tired easily, feeling weak, difficulty with concentration and memory, a depressed mood, sleepiness or an uncontrollable need to sleep. Some patients may have one or a combination of these symptoms, and they may occur alone or with other complaints. Feeling tired and having low energy is one of the common reasons patients consult their doctors.

Despite being so common, it can be difficult to come up with a
clear-cut diagnosis for fatigue, as it is a vague symptom and can be caused by many medical conditions — anemia, sleep apnea, autoimmune diseases, infections, other hormonal impairments like hypothyroidism and diabetes, heart and lung problems, kidney and liver diseases, fibromyalgia, medication toxicity and substance use — to name a few.

Mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, may also be the cause of these symptoms. Some patients who do not believe that their fatigue is due to a mental health concern may refuse counseling and medications.

Over the years, the term “adrenal fatigue” has cropped up, linking a problem with the adrenal glands as a possible cause for this lack of energy. But adrenal fatigue is not an accepted medical diagnosis and is just a way to give these symptoms a name.

photograph courtesy of UNSPLASH/ephraim mayrena | Mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, may also be the cause of these symptoms.
PHOTOGRAPHS COURTESY OF pexels/andres ayrton AND pexels/anna nekrashevich | acne and weight gain are unintended consequences when adrenal insufficiency is treated with incorrect use of steroids.

The adrenal glands are two small glands that sit on top of the kidneys and produce several types of hormones essential to life, such as cortisol. When under stress, the body produces and releases short bursts of cortisol into the bloodstream, giving you the energy, you need.

If the adrenals don’t produce enough cortisol, this is known as adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s disease) and is often a result of an underlying health condition. Adrenal insufficiency can be diagnosed by special blood tests that can tell if you the correct levels of adrenal hormones.

Supporters of the adrenal fatigue theory claim that this is a mild form of adrenal insufficiency and that existing blood tests aren’t sensitive enough, so blood test results are normal. A quick search on the internet will bring up numerous websites, blogs and
so-called experts that mention how to diagnose and treat adrenal fatigue, often selling expensive and possibly harmful treatments. But professional medical societies and many scientific publications definitely agree that there is no scientific proof that exists to support adrenal fatigue as a true medical condition.

A word of warning regarding unproven remedies for so-called adrenal fatigue
— these may leave you feeling sicker, while the real cause is left untreated. Some unqualified practitioners prescribe steroids to treat adrenal fatigue. Real adrenal insufficiency is treated with steroids, but when used incorrectly, steroids can be dangerous, even in small doses, and can have unintended consequences such as weight gain, acne, osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease.

When steroids are taken for a prolonged amount of time and stopped abruptly, this can induce true adrenal insufficiency, because the intake of steroids prevents your own adrenal glands from producing cortisol.

So, before buying into a diagnosis that we’re not even sure exists, or turning to the internet to diagnose yourself, you should first have a thorough evaluation with your doctor.  Tell your doctor about your symptoms, and what makes you feel better or worse. If you feel like you haven’t slept at all even during a full nights’ sleep, it could be sleep apnea. If you feel tired after just walking a few steps, it could be a heart condition. Also, be honest about lifestyle habits, all medications and any supplements that you are taking.

Be it a physical or psychologic diagnosis, don’t give up and make frequent follow-up visits with your doctor to create trust and a strong patient-doctor partnership, elements which are important to get you the help you need.





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