PR nightmare

There was a recent blind item in a major daily that portrayed an official of the current administration as trying to muscle his way into the good graces of the powers that be with grand projects meant to hype the country.

If you are in government or in the media, you would easily identify the person being referred to. Not only that, you would know where the attack is coming from.

It is coming from a jilted PR practitioner who tried to spin a recent PR disaster of her own making by laying the blame on the target official, who is actually her client.

And once again, the arrogance and delusion of grandeur are evident with this PR consultant, which is the same abhorrent behavior she demonstrated back during the yellow admin, when she teamed up with the most ambitious Cabinet secretary to embarrass the sitting president.

This time, PR Consultant seems hell-bent on destroying the official, who is actually a presidential adviser, because their last team-up resulted in a fiasco in which a Hollywood star got entangled in a media backlash that was not her fault.

Because members of the media got upset over what happened during the  Hollywood star’s press briefing and interview, PR Consultant tried to wash her hands of the mess, even as it was her prima donna and diva ways that upset the schedule and forced the abrupt end of the media briefing.

PR Consultant then wielded her clout and put her savvy comms skills to work by placing the onus on Presidential Adviser, and worse, painting him as the bad guy to members of the press.

And now this blind item on perhaps the same presidential adviser, on another issue, this time concerning Crazy Rich Asians, Filipino version.

Of course Presidential Adviser already knows this, and we wonder how this would end up.


Mark my word.

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