Sublime maison — where the river and sea meet

Filipino-French businessman Christophe Bariou’s Maison Bukana is redefining sustainability and luxury in Siargao.

The private villa, located at the very edge of Malinao, boasts four intimate rooms, a natural stone pool, an exquisite bar and wine selection, a modern kitchen with a private chef and an open space living area for travelers to settle in while on the island.

NATURAL stone pool.

Maison Bukana, which opened in 2021 during the pandemic, has a team of hospitality professionals mostly from Siargao. A few of them have been with the Bariou family for 35 years as caretakers of the property.

ARTISAN interior decor at Maison Bukana.

“I moved here (Siagao) in 2013 right after my studies. It was when I discovered the beauty of the island even though I had been coming here since I was six years old. It was the turning point of my life,” Bariou tells Daily Tribune.

The property was built with the help of Chris’ friend, hospitality professional Bobbie Braga, and architect Michael Litang. The design and landscaping were done by George Tan of Tanaw Design, with Chris’ sister Stephanie who curated the furniture and provided interior design.

VAULTED ceilings make the property more spacious.

The year 2021 was a sad year for the island. As if the pandemic-induced strict mobility lockdown that prevented tourists from visiting Siargao were not enough, supertyphoon “Odette” barreled into the island in December. Fortunately, Maison Bukana survived the hurricane’s wrath and emerged with only slight damage.

“Like, she (Nadine Lustre, his girlfriend) didn’t know I was even alive for, like, three days. At some point, I had access to a satellite phone. I was given a list of survivors and messages from people who wanted to send other news,” he said.

Lustre joined him in Siargao from Cagayan de Oro to extend help. “She was here during all the preparations. There was absolutely nothing else we would want to do. We just organized as much as we could,” he said.

At that point Bariou realized that making Maison Bukana’s structure sustainable is critical to preserving the property’s natural assets. To begin with, Maison is the only structure on the island made entirely with Ecocast, an earthquake-proof, fireproof, temperature-isolated hollow block made from single-use plastic waste.

With eco-consciousness at its core, Maison Bukana has also adopted natural lighting to reduce energy consumption and a gigantic rainwater collection system for its water supply. Its room amenities, personal care, kitchen and laundry are all plant-based and natural. The food selection, on the other hand, is sourced from the freshest and organic products from the island.

MAISON Bukana is the only structure in the island made with Ecocast, a sustainable hollow block made from single-use plastic waste.

“There’s always been a communication between communities to bring something in for the island in a sustainable way,” said Bariou.

Maison Bukana offers a host of leisure activities: Guided private tours in Siargao, island hopping, wake park, surfing packages, water activities and kite surfing.

A minimum stay of two nights is required for up to eight guests, yet Maison Bukana can accommodate up to 12 people.

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