In life we get what we give

Six months ago, I ran a workshop for 50 women managers of a local government unit in Southern Luzon. In this time of disruption, the four mayors of the region decided to invite so that these female managers would be able to cope with the massive changes brought about by the pandemic not only in their jobs but also in work and family life.

I studied the profiles of the women and decided to focus my topic on how to survive today’s disruption with the right mindset. As our lives have profoundly changed with the impact of the pandemic and massive changes in our societal norms, I needed to empower these women to focus on the most essential aspects of change.

The workshop I conducted was life-changing for the women as we tackled their problems and issues. I listened to their stories intently as I observed their body language and eye movements. One of the narratives that impressed me was that of an HR manager who had to deal with the employees with problems ranging from economic, hard-headed children and husbands who were philanderers. I marveled at how she was able to advise these women to change their defeatist attitude into that of a fearless, winning person.

I therefore worked individually with the women with serious problems of isolation, anger management, depression and lack of drive. On the second day, I gave them guidelines on how to navigate their daily lives.

  1. The importance of a grateful heart. When we are grateful, abundance follows.
PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF UNSPLASH/tyler nix | START each day with a grateful heart.
  1. Giving back to create a better, safer and happier world for us all.
  1. To find value in family and valued relationships.
  2. Allow oneself to discover life’s purpose.
  3. The power of thinking and living positive values in the family, in the workplace and in their respective communities.
  4. Create a network of like-minded people who are able to work together to uplift, engage, mentor, share in each other’s joys, triumphs, problems with love, compassion, care, concern and advice.

The workshop proved to be a huge success as the women returned to their workplace and families with positive mindsets, fearless and confident attitudes, and most importantly the CAN-DO belief that nothing was impossible to achieve for as long as they had faith in themselves and their Creator.

When we manage CHANGE in our lives with focus to our advantage, we win the game of life.

The author is one of 100 Most Influential Global Filipinas for her books and advocacy work. She was recognized as one of The Outstanding Women in the Nation’s Service (TOWNS). As a social historian she has written 44 coffee table books in the last 24 years found in select libraries around the world.

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