Bio booth

A 200-year-old cylindrical house in north London, United Kingdom is for sale at a surprising sum of $446,000.

The property in the suburban district of Wood Green features two bedrooms and one bathroom equipped with a metal tub on the upper floor, and a kitchen and living room on the ground floor. There is a brick chimney at the center of the lower floor, underfloor heating, parquet flooring, and a lush garden surrounding the house.

Seller Unique Property Company calls the Georgian-era abode the Mushroom House as it looks like edible fungi sprouting from the garden. The catch, for buyers, is the lot on which the house stands is rented at $16,000 per year, New York Post reported.

Mushroom also inspired a uniquely-designed pavilion at the recently concluded Glastonbury Festival in Somerset, England.

The Project 6 pavilion was the venue of the festival’s electronic musicians and emerging performers. It is shaped like the number six or nine.

Project 6’s timber frames are made of biomaterial to show viable and nature-friendly replacements for polystyrene and plastics in the festival industry.

Project leader Ben Price said the pavilion, which aims to promote climate change awareness, will remain on the site after the end of Glastonbury on 25 June to test how long its biodegradable material will last.

The pavilion frames are made of mycelium or the root of mushrooms.

“Mycelium roots have hundreds of different strains, but we have chosen a particular strain that works well when you bind it with agricultural waste,” Price said, according to BBC.

As an authentic mycelium, Pavilion 6 is the real “mushroom house.”

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