Woman grabs sex organ of spirit seducer (1)

Connie Henson (not her real name) is a victim of sexual harassment — of the spiritual kind. It first happened four years ago at her Loyola Heights residence. Since then, she has had to endure sleepless nights whenever the spirit would visit her from 12 m.n. to 3 a.m.

Usually, Connie is awakened by a buzzing sound or something like a vibration whenever the evil spirit arrives. She said she could feel the spirit embracing her and holding her hips tightly while she was lying nearly face down on the bed. Connie said she was not dreaming because she could see the room while it was happening, and no matter how she struggled to get rid of him, it was hopeless. At first, he was just embracing her. Later, it became more sexual.

“How long did the first encounter last?,” I asked her. “Half an hour.”

During the encounter, Connie said she prayed all the time. Afterward, she felt very tired.

“Who was at home that time?” She was alone.

It became a series of encounters. When her encounters with the evil spirits continued, she sought help. She called a priest, shamans and psychics who did rituals. Nothing happened. The sexual molestations continued. Connie could not understand why it was happening to her because she said she is too old for this. Connie is in her 50s and is a grandmother of nine.



A year later, the spirit became more daring. He tried to penetrate her sexually. He touched her all over her sensitive parts as a prelude to making love. He tried to enter sexually, but she struggled and he was not able to penetrate her. She prayed all the time this was happening. She got angry when he tried to enter her, but this inflamed him even more. Thereafter, he made his organ touch her body.

Out of curiosity, she tried to hold his organ and — surprise! — it was solid. She held the organ because she wanted to know if the encounters were real. But when she groped for the other parts of his body, like his hands and legs, she was surprised to feel nothing at all.

Shortly after this incident, Connie was confined at Makati Medical Center for a viral infection. On the second night, another entity came to her by pinning down her arm. His nails were sharp. There were no marks, though. There was a struggle. He was solid. She could hold him. She could feel his fingers. There were sexual overtures. She felt that it was a different entity from the first, but actually, it could be the same one.

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