‘SoNA all’

Hello again my dear readers.

Have you ever caught yourself staring at beautiful couples holding hands, happily enjoying their lives, worry-free, as if the world was spinning round and round just for them, and you simply said to yourself: “Sana all.”

Or maybe you recently saw your old friend who lost so much weight after moving on and going through so much in life and you whispered to yourself: “Sana all.”

Well, you’re not alone. Oftentimes we crave something we want but which we cannot have (yet), or maybe we’re just really optimistic that someday, somehow, we will also have our time to enjoy these things that we crave, because these are things that we cannot buy and have to work hard for to get. It will require time and patience and, most of all, hard work. Things worth having are really worth waiting for.

Speaking of worth having, well, I’m pretty sure you will not be deprived of our topic for today because, hey, it is Thirstday again and that means we get to talk about the latest State of the Nation Address or SoNA of PBBM. With all the updates and exciting plans this administration has in store for our beloved country, I say with all high hopes: “SoNA all”


Well, that is the beauty of democracy you can express your opinions freely.


But before that, did you know that the longest SoNA was delivered by former President Rodrigo Duterte which clocked two hours and 45 minutes? The shortest SoNA was delivered by Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, now the Pampanga 2nd District representative, which took only 25 minutes; while former President Noynoy Aquino delivered the first SoNA in Filipino, “Kayo ang Boss ko,” if you may recall.

Going back to the SoNA of President BBM, comments abound in different news outlets and on social media. Well, that is the beauty of democracy — you can express your opinions freely.

Foremost in the President’s SoNA was the food security program aimed at putting food on the table of every household. This is a much-needed program if we are to protect our young population from malnutrition, as hunger threatens not only our country but is currently a worldwide problem. With no less than the President at the helm of the Department of Agriculture or DA, the public expects DA officials to fully live up to the aims set by PBBM.

Education as a long-term tool and solution for almost all of the challenges we face found its way into the SoNA and was much emphasized by PBBM. With VP Sara piloting the Department of Education, all DepEd officials as co-pilots must steer the department to achieve the progressive education we all aspire for our youth.

Infrastructure development, particularly focusing on the transport system with emphasis on seaports, airports, and road networks, is on the priority list of the President. This will provide easy access for every Juan as they work and travel or for every Nena and Pilar as they buy their daily needs nearby or shop elsewhere.

Tourism will also get a boost as many destinations open and become accessible to local and foreign travelers and, yes, such movement of people will spur economic activity that will spell renewed income for local folk and added revenue for the government.

Disaster preparedness and resilience is the cornerstone of a sound program to mitigate the effects of disasters. The President outlined fully the desire to achieve resilience and be totally prepared against disasters, whether man-made or natural. An average of twenty typhoons a year visit our country, which is in the “ring of fire,” an imaginary global ring of islands and land masses where volcanoes abound and earthquakes frequently emanate. Well, better watch National Geographic or read books!


Nose bleed.

Well, it is not only typhoons and the “ring of fire” that we should worry about, hence, the President underlined the plan for a new amnesty program for former rebels who returned to the fold of the law and to encourage the remnants of the armed communist group to embrace peace and be productive citizens of mainstream society.

The priority legislative agenda of the President was laid out precisely.  Foremost are the essential tax measures under the

Medium-Term Fiscal Framework, such as:

An excise tax on single-use plastics; VAT on digital services; rationalization of mining fiscal regime; motor vehicle user’s charge/road user tax, and the Military and Uniformed Personnel pension.

The President enjoined Congress to act on the following:

Amendment of the Fisheries Code; amendment of the Anti-Agricultural Smuggling Act; Amendment of the Cooperative Code; New Government Procurement Law; New Government Auditing Code; Anti-financial accounts scamming; Tatak-Pinoy law; The Blue Economy law; Ease of paying taxes; LGU income classification; and the Philippine Immigration Act.

Congress is expected to act on these and make them more responsive to the current fortunes of time, especially with the fast pace of technology.

Looking back and then focusing our eyes on the immediate future, we should all be hopeful for the plans the President laid out, especially on food security, education, infrastructure development, disaster preparedness, and all others which directly affect our daily lives, and be part of it, not because we are red, green, blue, yellow or whatever color of the rainbow or even a Power Ranger.

Just as Master Rapper Francis M. said in his famous song: “Every color, every hue is represented by me and you, take a slide on the slope, take a look at the kaleidoscope..,” but because the current skipper needs all hands on deck and most importantly… we are all in the same boat.

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