Protecting sovereignty from Vietnam’s militarization

Since we are in the Ordinary Time of the Liturgical Year, allow me to give my reflection and analysis on the reported Vietnam militarization in the Spratly Islands.

It is quite alarming to learn that Vietnam forces are slowly taking over the disputed reefs in the West Philippines Sea, strengthening its forces by building structures, including military facilities, within Philippine territory.

On learning of the Vietnamese presence at the WPS, I told myself that this is something serious and should not be taken for granted because what is happening in the Spratlys is to be taken as a serious threat to our national security.

I supposed that the Philippine government, particularly the military, knows that any form of foreign invasion, like the presence of the Vietnamese in the Spratlys, is a threat to our national security. And I think it is about time and not yet too late for the Philippine government to look further into this matter.

I hope this matter would come to the attention of the National Security Adviser of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. for their study, further analysis, and perhaps give the Chief Executive detailed information on the issue so they can come up with appropriate action to protect our sovereignty.

Why is it that Philippine authorities are quiet as Vietnam “occupies 49 outposts spread across 27 features in the vicinity of the Spratly Islands” as of this date? Who should be held responsible for this? The Department of National Defense? The Armed Forces of the Philippines, particularly the Philippine Navy, since it is situated in the country’s territorial waters? The Philippine Coast Guard that is supposed to be patrolling the seas?

The presence of Vietnamese structures in the WPS poses a direct threat to the Philippines’ strategic waterway and has adverse effects on the fishing activities and livelihood of Filipino fisherfolk. As I see it, Vietnam’s claim and stance in this matter seem to be very strong.

Reports said that despite having already done landfill work on 29 WPS reefs and islands earlier, even taking over Southwest Cay, the Vietnam government is eyeing to establish more military structures and facilities at Hizon or Pearson Reef, Tennant Reef, and Maskardo or Barque Canada Reef which is within the 200-mile economic zone of the Philippines. Vietnam is also reportedly planning to put up a 180-meter seaport at Sand Cay which is part of Pag-Asa Island.

Aside from sending their own people to the area, their government will also be sending Vietnamese fishermen to the WPS to protect their supposed sovereignty over the disputed territory.

The Vietnam government believes that by doing so, their claim to the disputed South China Sea would be strengthened.

If this is the case, the DND should look into this matter seriously because, without us knowing it, Vietnam might have invaded our country long before other countries.

Yes, this is a matter of great importance for it is not only the sovereignty of our country that is at stake but more so the life of every Filipino. The country’s defense is focused on either Chinese or American invasion but how about the Vietnamese? Aren’t they also a possible threat to us Filipinos?

As we all know, the Spratly Islands which are situated within Philippine territory are being claimed by China, Taiwan and Vietnam. Vietnam claimed possession of Hizon Reef in 1978 and Pigeon Reef in 1988. Since several countries claim sovereignty over areas in the South China Sea, is the Philippine government prepared for its effect on our economy and national defense?

Last May 2023, the Vietnam government reacted negatively when the Philippine Coast Guard placed barriers and markings to signify that certain areas of the disputed WPS are part of the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone.

We expect the Philippine government to act on this matter, taking into consideration the lives of many Filipinos who rely on fishing for their livelihood. Let us remind the AFP of its mandate to secure the sovereignty of the state and the integrity of the national territory.

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