AFP pension system flagged

State auditors called out the Armed Forces of the Philippines over discrepancies in its Pension Management Information System, in a report that cited the overpayment and underpayment of 212 retirees or pensioners.

The 2022 audit report on the AFP General Headquarters revealed a P17.095 million overpayment in the monthly pension to 169 pensioners in its Pension Management Information System, or PenMIS, and a P2.301 million underpayment to 43 others in 2022.

CoA cited “discrepancies in the list of pensioners from the PenMIS” that adversely affected the accuracy and reliability of payrolls.

Further, it noted the aberration in pension benefits had been the subject of current and prior years’ audit observations.


Inconsistent data

Based on the audit report, there were inconsistencies in some pensioners’ recorded information data owing to improper coding of information in retirement orders or service records.

Auditors said the calculated overpayments and underpayments of the 212 AFP pensioners based on payrolls collected from the AFP Finance Center were limited to sums paid in 2022.

“The actual total may be higher considering some pensioners have been retired for several years,” it said.

Inconsistencies in the AFP Pensioners’ List disclosed that pensioners of the same rank received varied monthly pensions, such as one colonel was overpaid by P34,476, while another was underpaid by P18,028.

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