What has love got to do with life?

Today’s essay deals with this mysterious and edifying element called love. How do we define love? For me, love is otherness. It is the unconditional act of forgiving, being compassionate, generous and understanding of the loved one. Love fills us with happiness and fulfillment once we find the special someone who makes us sing, laugh and giddy all at the same time.

Love is otherness. It is the unconditional act of forgiving and being compassionate and generous. |Photographs Courtesy Of Unsplash


Let me share with you a love story of two young persons who have honored me to be a sponsor for their wedding happening this month of August 2023.

Chester Gutierrez is 26 years old, a 2019 graduate of the Philippine Military Academy and now currently assigned to the Philippine Air Force. The forthcoming bride is MJ Cuevas, 29, who works as a Public Information Officer in IMEG — the Integrity Monitoring and Enforcement Group of the Philippine National Police.

It was MJ who became a dear friend when I became an editorial consultant on civic affairs for IMEG early this year.

I was blessed to know the couple up close when we had a wonderful meal together and they shared the lessons they learned as their five-year relationship blossomed into love.

Chester shared that he would listen intently to MJ’s explanation on why some choices must be made on the details for their wedding. He would always give in to her, not because he was weak but because his confidence and maturity allowed him to understand her point of view. That, to Chester, was a manifestation of his love for MJ.

When MJ suggested that they defer their wedding until after they have fulfilled their dream to give their respective parents a renovated home, they realized how happy they felt after they had honored their parents with their substantial gift. It also proved to both parents the honor and love Chester and MJ accorded them.

What impressed me with this young couple is their desire to always listen to each other’s point of view and work out solutions for both their satisfaction. This is practical love. A love that is honest and understanding.

They also shared that they became even closer to their respective parents after they realized the value of family. Going through all their discoveries of their respective strengths and gifts of self that they were bringing into their marriage, they felt blessed. Knowing full well that their marriage would bring their families closer together. And their love was growing stronger as their bond of communication was improving.

I feel great joy in my heart knowing that the marriage of Chester and MJ is on the right track. I also feel blessed knowing that this wonderful couple will raise a God- fearing family with solid values. I realize now that we can only be truly alive and fulfilled when we know that the people we love are happy and secure with themselves.

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