Student fare discount

Dear Atty. Chris Liquigan,


In school, we often have practices on weekends. I am in junior high school. I noticed that the students’ discount doesn’t apply on weekends, the drivers ask for the regular fare. Is this correct, Atty?






Dear Alora,


To start off, let me introduce you to the Sections 4 and 5 of Republic Act 11314, or the “Student Fare Discount Act,”:

“Section 4. Coverage. This Act shall cover all public transportation utilities such as, but not limited to, public utility buses, public utility jeepneys, taxis, and other similar vehicles-for-hire, tricycles, passenger trains, aircraft and marine vessels. The application of this Act does not cover school service, shuttle service, tourist service, and any similar service covered by contract or charter agreement and with a valid franchise or permit from the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board.

“The fare discount granted under this Act shall be available during the entire period while the student is enrolled, including weekends and holidays: Provided, that, in a case where a promotional fare, as approved by the concerned regulatory agency, is granted by a public transportation utility operator, the student shall have the option to choose between the promotional fare and the regular fare less the discount as provided under this Act.

“Section 5. Student Fare Discount Privilege. — A student under this Act shall be entitled to a grant of twenty percent (20 percent) discount on domestic regular fares, upon personal presentation of their duly issued school identification cards or current validated enrollment form, supported by the prescribed government-issued identification document, subject to an appropriate verification mechanism to be provided in the implementing rules and regulations: Provided, That in the case of air public transportation utilities, the discount shall only apply to the base fare or the price of the ticket before taxes and costs for ancillary services.”

Upon personal presentation of his officially issued school identification cards or current validated enrollment form, a student shall be entitled to a 20 percent discount on public utility transportation vehicles. To sum it up, you have the right to a fare discount during the duration of your enrollment or study, including on weekends and during holidays.

Hope this helps.


Atty. Chris Liquigan

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