Comfort food

Certain food make one feel good, hence the term comfort food. But a British takeout customer didn’t find his choice of a comfort dinner comforting at all.

Sam Hayward, 39, of Strood in Kent, the United Kingdom, ordered a mushroom noodle soup from his favorite Chinese restaurant in Gillingham early this month.

Hayward was enjoying his soup when he thought a large mushroom had twitched in the bowl. He was shocked to see the tail of a mouse instead. He was able to take a video of the mouse before running to the toilet.

After 25 minutes of vomiting what he had eaten, he called the restaurant to complain. He showed the video of the disgusting soup, but the restaurant denied it was from them. Hayward and his partner could not show a receipt of their takeout because they had paid in cash, so he had no proof that it had come from the Chinese restaurant, according to Daily Mail.

In Naga, Cebu, a restaurant serves comfort food with a twist. So far, diners are not complaining and are enjoying the place that copied the motif of a restaurant in Taiwan.

Owner Sarah Mae Enerlan Gamboa assures customers the food they serve is as clean as the place, GMA Regional TV Balitang Bisdak reported.
Diners can attest to Gamboa’s statement as they don’t mind eating from bowls and plates shaped like miniature toilet bowls as they sit on chairs resembling what you sit on in the Bathroom, which coincidentally is the name of the restaurant.

The Bathroom Bistro also serves drinks and desserts in mini potty (arinola) glasses and bowls.

The UK’s Hayward may find it hard to eat at the Bathroom Bistro if it reminds him of his home experience. But for anyone feeling like throwing up the Bathroom’s seats will come in handy.

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