Samar goat raisers get boost

CATBALOBAN CITY — Some 100 farmers, fisherfolks, self-employed, senior citizens in Samar were turned into goat raisers after the Department of Labor and Employment granted them four goats each for raising under the Integrated Livelihood Program of the department.

DoLE assistant regional director Norman Uyvico said the grant — amounting to over P3 million — is intended as an additional livelihood opportunity for them to augment their family’s income and improve their quality of life.

He added that before the goats were turned over, the beneficiaries underwent training on the proper way of raising them for their livelihood project to prosper. They were also provided with multivitamins as part of their starter kit.

Uyvico said DoLE’s ILP is intended to reduce poverty and vulnerability the poor to risks by providing them with emergency employment, promotion of entrepreneurship, and developing community enterprises.

He added that there is a big demand for goats in the province as a source of dairy and meat due to its high incidence of poverty and malnutrition.

“Goat raising does not entail much of their time thus it will allow them to continue with their usual work such as fishing and farming,” Uyvico said.

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