Bangsamoro Local Government Code approved

GENERAL SANTOS CITY — In a historic moment for the Bangsamoro people, the Bangsamoro Transition Authority-Parliament approved the Bangsamoro Local Governance Code recently in Cotabato City.

The BLGC, which was approved on its third and final reading with 57 affirmative votes, four no votes, and zero abstention, represents a shift to decentralization, ensuring that basic services reach the farthest corners of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao or BARMM.

Prior to its approval, the BLGC underwent extensive review and consideration to ensure that it is aligned with the vision of the Bangsamoro people.

The code includes provisions to empower local government units and local communities; facilitate gradual devolution of power; ensure equitable revenue sharing; promote democratization; and supervise the coordination between the Bangsamoro government and LGUs.

BARMM is the only region in the country under a parliamentary form of government that has its own local governance code.

BTA-P Speaker Atty. Pangalian Balindong and BTA Chief Minister Ahod Balawag Ebrahim signed the BTA Act 49 following its approval on the plenary.

In a statement, Ebrahim expressed his sincere appreciation to the BTA-P for approving the BLGC, calling it a historic milestone in the Bangsamoro people’s pursuit of genuine and meaningful autonomy.

“The BLGC stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to uphold and sustain the dividends of the peace process,” Ebrahim said.

The Chief Minister is also optimistic that the passage of the BLGC will mark the beginning of a brighter and more prosperous era for BARMM and its people.

The BLGC is the fifth code that has been approved by the BTA-P during the transition period, including administrative, education, civil service, and electoral codes.

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