Bayani Fernando, true public servant (2)

In a country where corruption in the government has become endemic, where many elected and appointed officials use their offices, their power, and their connections to amass wealth illegally, only a rare breed of men and women come out unscathed and untainted with dishonesty and illegal conduct while in office.

There is a long list of public officials who have been prosecuted, convicted, and jailed for siphoning government coffers for themselves. Of course, there are those who escape prosecution and others who manage to get acquitted, even if they are guilty as hell. They flaunt their wealth, which was never there before they entered government service. Since government prosecutors could not show the courts the quantum of proof beyond a reasonable doubt required by law, these scoundrels go scot-free.

These charlatans become the role models of those who want to follow their route and seek to emulate them by seeking public office, either by election or by appointment. Tragically, for this country, it is corruption that hinders its development and progress. It is the poison that kills the body politic, the disease that is worse than the pandemic, which devours the poor of their health, that destroys the source that will provide them their education as a tool to uplift their lives. It is the scourge that hampers the delivery of basic services.

Not all, though, who enter government work are corrupted or influenced by the evil and profitable ways of the corrupt. There are a few who remain insulated from corruption, who are dedicated and fealty to their oath of office, and who serve the public instead of themselves.

Bayani Fernando was one of those handful who maintained his honesty during his tenure as Mayor, Congressman, Secretary of Public Works, and Chairman of Metropolitan Manila Development Authority or MMDA. There was one political adversary of Bayani Fernando when he was Marikina Mayor, a former congressman of Marikina, long time deceased, who tried to tarnish his reputation by filing a graft complaint against him before the Office of the Ombudsman. This writer lawyered for him, and the Ombudsman dismissed the case as having no basis in fact and law.

As Chairman of MMDA, he was also charged in 2016 with misuse of funds but was also exonerated. Apparently, the charges were politically motivated as he announced then that he was running for President. He eventually ran as Vice-President, but victory eluded him.

The initiatives pursued by the late Bayani Fernando as a public servant produced results that benefited the people of Marikina and Metro Manila. His style of governance has been replicated by other mayors and succeeding chairmen of the MMDA. He was a role model in public service.

His private life was exemplary, too. The only vice he indulged in, if it can be called one, was to spend his free time with his friends crooning every Tuesday night. He loved singing as his way of distressing himself and having clean fun with them.

He and his wife Marides had only one daughter, Tala, who is married to John Paul Ang, the son of business hotshot and corporate mogul Ramon Ang of San Miguel Corporation. Bayani Fernando was a doting father to his unica hija Tala, but at the same time, he was a disciplinarian. Like all grandfathers, he was a spoiler. He loved his three grandchildren, all boys. They are his — and his wife Marides’ joy.

When queried how Bayani Fernando was a husband, her wife blurted out: “Challenging!” accompanied by hearty laughter. Certainly, all spouses who are married to public servants are confronted with the challenge of coping with their partners, seldom staying at home or coming home late. It’s good that former Marikina Mayor Marides Carlos-Fernando succeeded her husband for three terms as chief executive of Marikina, as she would understand the travails that every dedicated public servant goes through.

His record as a public official speaks for itself. Bayani Fernando was a true public servant in the truest sense of the word. His legacy of public service lives on despite his departure from the physical plane.

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