Philippines top classical singers, theater actors serenades defense attaches

DAPITAN CITY- The country’s top classical singers and theater actors graced a series of songs and performances during the visit of Foreign Armed Forces Attaches and Armed Forces of the Philippines in Dapitan City last 06-08 October 2023.

Known for their great voices and the honor they brought to the country, Svetlana Jalosjos, the President of Dakak Resort and Properties who is also a performer herself and alumnae of UP Chorus deemed to bring all the singers and theater actors to perform a rendition of Mi Ultimo Adios, Dulce de Las Horas at Rizal Shrine and Folk Songs and Broadway classics during Tourism Presentation at the Tai Grand Hall, Dakak Resort.

The performers were applauded for the powerful renditions of folk songs and their charisma in bringing to life the lyrics of broadway classical pieces with their golden voices.

A talent presentation that highly impresses and delighted the Foreign Armed Forces Attaches, Armed Forces of the Philippines, their spouses families and personnel.

The Philippines’ Prince of Pop-Opera Jonathan Badon is a multi-awarded international crossover artist. Has performed in various diplomatic concerts all over Europe, Asia,

The Middle East Australia and North America, including his debut performances at the VATICAN and at the world-famous Carnegie Hall in New York.

He also was the main performer at the ASEAN summit and the International Convention of Chief Justices to name just a few.

A Soprano, Performer and Voice Teacher, Cynthia Culig-Guico is the recipient of 2016 Aliw Awards in the Best Female Classical Singer Category.

She is lauded for the clarity and sweetness of her voice and a notable classic theater performer here and abroad.

Her international performances include playing lead roles at Off Broadway in New York, USA,France,Japan and Canada.

A graduate of the University of the Philippines, Cynthia shares her talent as a voice teacher for professional and non-professional singers at the Miriam College Center for Applied Music and at the Guico Music studio where she and her husband established and offers online teaching for students and aspirants in music and theater performance.

Another equally amazing performer is Lionel Guico, a baritone , Actor , Voice Teacher. Lionel possesses one of the finest voices in the classical performing arts and Philippine theater.

He was a 4-time nominee for Aliw Awards for Best Male Classical Singer.

A notable baritone soloist and performer both in the country and international stage ranging from opera and zarzuelas to musicals. His notable performances includes Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle with the Belgian conductor, Professor Herman Engels, Mozart’s “Bastien and Bastienne” and as Peachum in Kurt Weill’s Three Penny Opera, Gustav Mahler’s Symphony no. 8 “Symphony of a Thousand” with the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Ruggiero Barbieri.

He is also a member and soloist of UP Concert Chorus Batch 1990.

Lana Jalosjos is a musical theater artist, R&B Pop singer, recording artist and Dapitan’s very own legendary performer.

She received formal training as member for the University of the Philippines concert Chorus for 3 International Tours 1996-2000. She continued to perform stage roles as Mimi and Maureen in “Rent” Singapore 2000 and Rent Manila 1999,2001 and “Dreamgirls” 2003 under Atlantis Theater company.

She was seen Hosting on live shows like Eat Bulaga and ASAP also from 2003-2000. Lana has released and produced recordings on SPOTIFY and provided musical content on her Youtube and Instagram channels as LanaJdeleon.

Mary Ann Baclao graduated with cum laude for her two degrees: BM major in Music Education and BM major in Piano, both earned from the UST Conservatory of Music. Aside from being a piano teacher, she is a most sought-after assisting artist for various events such as weddings, concerts, recitals, parties and the like, and has performed on numerous occasions, here and abroad.

Defense Attaches and guests were impressed of the world-class performers that they commune and engage with them after the series of performances and congratulated all the performers for their stellar performance that further cements Philippines’ renowned talents in the global scene.

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