Reserve battalions gear up for territorial defense

Some nine Ready Reserve Infantry Battalions in Central Luzon are preparing for a transition towards territorial defense following its “successful” counter-insurgency operations within their areas of operations.

The announcement of the Philippine Army’s 7th Infantry “Kaugnay” Division’s “shift of defense focus” coincides with its 35th founding anniversary rites on Tuesday held at Fort Magsaysay in Palayan City, Nueva Ecija.

7ID commander MGen. Andrew Costelo said these battalions are required to further strengthen interoperability as well as enhance their capability to supplement each other’s strengths.

“The 7ID is transitioning to territorial defense. We shall utilize both our regular and reserve forces that have proven to be solid pillars of our country’s defense,” Costelo said.

Meantime, AFP Public Affairs chief Lt. Gen. Enrico Gil said the reservists from these nine Ready Reserve Infantry Battalions of the 7ID have undergone Personnel Leadership Enhancement Program as part of the military’s capacity-building measure for their commanders and senior staff.

He added the program will improve the reservists’ ability to operate in conjunction with the regular force.

The Reserve Officer Training Corps commanders also participated in leadership programs and educational and capability enhancement tours and they were able to interact with army aviators and Army elite units.

AFP Chief of Staff Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr. lauded the members of the “Kaugnay” division for being part of the Philippine Army’s endeavor for peace and development across the country.

“As we transition from internal security operations to territorial defense, I commend your aptitude in integrating different assigned forces during peace and conflict. I am happy to see all of the developments, the new establishments, and innovations,” Brawner said.

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