Deaf or blind to Vietnam’s activities?

Last week I mentioned the report regarding Vietnam facilities and other structures being built within the Philippine territory. I am just wondering how come the government is quiet about the issue.

I even suggested that a public forum and press conference be conducted to inform the people and make fellow Filipinos aware of it.

A fellow observer even asked me why is it that the Marcos government is silent on such an issue.

As I remember right, since President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr. took over as the Chief Executive there have been only six diplomatic protests filed against Vietnam compared to the 97 against China.

I cannot recall if the protests against Vietnam were in the news but I am afraid the public was never informed about such things.

A fellow journalist confirmed that there has been no report of Hanoi’s ambassador to Manila being summoned by the Department of Foreign Affairs to explain the Vietnamese activities in our country’s exclusive economic zone in the West Philippine Sea.

The Philippine government has the responsibility to make statements on this matter considering that it is our sovereignty that is at stake.

As I said, Vietnam’s activities in the WPS are a threat to our national security and should be dealt with accordingly by Philippine authorities.

To give you a picture of how serious this matter is, on 1 August, despite heavy rains a small group of around 50 members of Makabayan Alyansa ng Bansang Anti-War and Anti-Terrorism (Makabansa), who claimed to be concerned citizens, held a protest rally in front of Vietnam’s embassy in Malate, Manila, to show that they are against what the Vietnam government is doing. The protesters called on the Vietnam government to stop the alleged militarization at the WPS and their fishing in the Kalayaan Group of Islands.

The militant group through their spokesman, Benny delos Reyes, urged the embassy to respect their demands for amicable ties between the Philippines and Vietnam.

For the information of the Philippine government, its department or agency concerned, Vietnam is planning to build “a covert fortification, command fortification, firepower fortification, weapons storage fortification, traffic trench system, trench, and related tactical items” within the Philippine territory. The Vietnamese government is ready to send more people to the land features, where they will set up residence.

Perhaps due to the non-reaction of the Philippine government, Vietnam thinks that building military and civilian infrastructure and sending people to live on the islands will prove that those islands, which are in a portion of the WPS, belong to them.

Let our government be reminded that Vietnam first took possession of areas within our own territory in 1978.

Without knowing it, Vietnam might not only be occupying Philippine territories but already controlling our society.

In the Gospel today, Jesus takes some of His friends away from the business of the village and marketplace. He invites them to travel with Him as He makes His way up the mountain.

This is not unusual. We know from the Gospels that Jesus often went off by Himself to the mountains to pray. While they were there praying something wild and wonderful happened. Jesus was transfigured; He was changed; His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as light.

Imagine how surprised, shocked, and taken aback those with Jesus were. Once composed, Peter uttered the famous words: “Lord, it is wonderful for us to be here.’ But more important than what was said is what they heard: ‘This is My Son, the Beloved, He enjoys My favor, listen to Him.”

My regards to Rev. Father Richard Diaz, CICM, the Academic Dean of Maryhill School of Theology, and to Ms. Daisy Arao-arao, MST Registrar, all the faculty, students, and staff of MST who are about to start the Academic Year 2023-2024.

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