CHR not antagonistic

The Commission on Human Rights is not antagonistic to the police but a mere bridge between the people, civil society and the government.

This was the message left by CHR chairperson Atty. Richard Palpal-latoc, at the 57th Anniversary of the National Police Commission held at the DILG-Napolcom building in Quezon City.

Palpal-latoc clarified that the agency is not an adversary to the police but a mere bridge between the people, civil society and the government.

According to CHR chairperson, there are misconceptions whenever they enter into the picture regarding what seems to be abuses committed by the police on civilians.

“We are the watchdog, our primary mandate is to protect and promote human rights and to prevent violations,” Palpal-latoc said.

He added that they are not only conducting investigations for nothing but “we propose and offer solutions to address concerns.”

At present, Palpal-latoc said, the CHR is emphasizing one of its mandates which is on the bridging role hence the need to make it sure that the agency is always in between the people and the government being a national human rights institution.

The CHR he said, is also engaged in discussions with other government agencies like DoLE (Department of Labor); the Professional Regulations Commission; the Board of Claims also to address human rights concerns.

On the labor part, Palpal-latoc said they are looking into the tripartite mechanisms to make it sure that the rights of the laborers especially on the freedom to associate, are taken care of.

All those concerns according to Palpal-latoc are among the agency’s emphasis just to highlight the important role of CHR as a bridge for the people and government.

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