Bayani Fernando, a true public servant (1)

On 22 September 2023, in a freak and unfortunate accident, the country lost a man who spent much of his life in dedicated public service.

Bayani Fernando, a popular, beloved three-term mayor, a two-term Congressman of Marikina, a few months Secretary of Public Works, and an eight-year Chairman of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority, passed away at age 77, creating a vacuum in the kind of leadership exercised by, unfortunately, a few public servants.

In a toxic atmosphere of politics, his entry into public service was a refreshing gust of wind. Putting aside his business interests (he founded the BF Group of Companies, engaged in construction, steel, manufacturing, and real estate), he plunged head-on to an unfamiliar terrain. He lost in his first try and emerged victorious in his second. Thereafter, he carved a name for himself as a strict, disciplinarian and creative Mayor of Marikina for three consecutive terms.

He has become a legend in local administration. He transformed Marikina from a 4th class municipality to a model city of cleanliness and orderliness, receiving citation after citation in different fields of endeavor.

As Mayor, he launched a crusade against all forms of transgressions of law. He stopped illegal vending and destroyed the confiscated food and merchandise to show he meant business. He instilled discipline among the employees.

He made the dirty and odorous public toilets in City Hall look and smell like hotel restrooms. He re-settled the informal settlers, not by transferring them to other cities but by providing them with lands and shelter inside the city.

Bayan as he is called by his pretty and equally dedicated public servant wife, Marides Carlos- Fernando, dredged the Marikina River of filth and garbage, developed the banks into flood control outlets, and converted both sides of the river as a park. He commenced massive repairs and cementing of roads. He built an efficient drainage system and created sidewalks all over Marikina. He established health centers in the barangays.

He enforced the law on everyone, exempting no one. He removed illegally parked vehicles and enforced traffic rules strictly. He made the public market clean and stalls orderly and sectionalized. Garbage was regularly collected. Public service became efficient and prompt. Employees were courteous and sported smiles as they rendered service to Marikeños.

Under his watch, the economy of Marikina grew. His other half, a UP product, from whom he derived his inspiration to serve faithfully Marikina, continued the caring Fernando kind of governance.

He brought his creative and authoritative leadership as Chairman of the Metropolitan Development Authority to Metro Manila. He brought back the sidewalks to the pedestrians, which were invaded by vendors selling their wares. He forcibly evicted squatters along the railroad tracks, esteros, and those living under the bridge.

He made innovative projects that dramatically lessened the chaos that used to vex Metro Manilas. He improved on the nightmarish traffic congestion. He introduced the U-turn slots and constructed food bridges that made crossing the streets convenient and safe. He was a hands-on government worker, ensuring the projects he initiated ran smoothly, and those implementing them were on their toes. He didn’t back down from pressures and resistance coming from powerful politicians and businessmen.

He didn’t leave anything to chance or rely on the people he tasked to do a particular job. He had to be there inspecting, correcting, and innovating on anything he put his mind to. Tragically, this admirable character trait brought him to his demise. (To be continued)

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