Ukraine aid to last ‘little bit longer’

The United States defense department said the $5.4 billion worth of authorized military stocks intended for Ukraine will last a little bit longer before congressional action would be needed for additional assistance.

“We have enough funding authorities to meet Ukraine’s battlefield needs for just a little bit longer, but we need Congress to act to ensure there is no disruption in our support,” Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh told journalists, declining to provide a more specific timeline.

“We do feel confident that we will have bipartisan support to continue to support Ukraine for as long as it takes,” Singh said, noting that it “is just a small minority of folks in the House that are expressing their opposition.”

Meanwhile, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development wants to double its post-war Ukraine reconstruction fund to at least three billion euros per year, its president Odile Renaud-Basso told Agence France-Presse.

The EBRD chief, speaking before her attendance at the International Monetary Fund/World Bank autumn meetings in Marrakesh next week, painted a hopeful outlook for a nation torn apart by Russia’s invasion that began in February 2022.

“We now have stabilization. Outside of conflict zones and occupied territories, economic activity continues to function, banks to finance and businesses have reorganized themselves,” EBRD president Odile Renaud-Basso told AFP.

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