Apex preserves Lifeline medic role

An Apex Legends developer finally responded to one of the most asked questions in Apex Legends today: What is keeping them from doing a major buff or rework for the game’s only healer Lifeline?

In a Reddit post, Apex Legends developer Devan McGuire explained that the team is keeping Lifeline the way she is right now so that the character would not deviate from her medic role.

Lifeline, one of the pioneer legends of the popular team-based battle royale, had her pick rate drastically decreased ever since Respawn Entertainment decided to take her revive shield away.

The developers tried to make up for it by buffing her heal and ultimate, but none of the recent buffs made her feasible in competitive play nor high-ranked games.

“We’ve seen a lot of suggestions from the community on ideas for Lifeline. It’s awesome to see how passionate people are to show her more love and give her more power! Lifeline is one of our most popular and approachable Legends and people gravitate to her for her style, her role and how easy it is to understand her abilities,” McGuire said.

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