Body bite

Eating human body parts is gross, except for cannibals. When news of a Japanese restaurant called Edible Brother serving human meat circulated online in 2018, the Japanese embassy in Washington, DC said then that the story is untrue.

News of some Japanese consumers’ seeming appetite for human body parts is making the rounds again. “Eyeballs, fingers, ears, and brains” are reportedly being sold at a train station in Toyonaka, Osaka, Japan. Buyers like the sweet flavor of the food.

It may even be shocking to know that the sweet eyeballs, fingers, ears, and brains can be bought there for 500 to 900 yen through a vending machine. Of course, the bite-size body parts are not bad and illegal as they are snacks made by the Nakanishi Horror Sweets Factory, according to Asahi Shimbun.

The confectionary’s owner, Ayumi Nakanishi, 43, said her unusual food products were inspired by the eyeball-shaped chocolates, finger-shaped cookies and ear-shaped cookies she saw at a Halloween party when she was living in the United States 10 years ago.

In 2014, Nakanishi started making and selling online imitations of the horror-themed sweets, including eyeball jellies and brain cheesecakes. Demand has grown since with Nakanishi having to refill her NHSF automats everyday.

Meanwhile, the taste for human body parts by a former COO of a food company forced him to quit his job and face prosecution.

Doug Ramsey quit plant-based vegan meat manufacturer Beyond Meat on 14 October after he figured in a road rage incident in Fayetteville, Arkansas the previous month.

Ramsey allegedly assaulted a driver who hit his car in a parking garage near Razorback Stadium, CNBC reported, citing a police report on the case. He was charged with making terroristic threats and third-degree battery.

The battery charge stemmed from his act of biting the victim’s nose that ripped the flesh from its tip, local reports said. A conviction will surely leave a bitter taste in meat munching Ramsey’s mouth.

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