Hub for safe pet care essentials

Just as we take care of ourselves, we must also know how to do it for our pets.

As every responsible pet owner must know, regular bathing and grooming are essential for maintaining good skin and the pristine health condition of our furbabies.

Paws Republique, an agrivet supplies and grooming services provider, is committed to keeping pet hygiene at bay.

Currently, Paws Republique is offering pet food supplies and essentials. It aims to start its grooming services in the coming year.

NUTRI Chunks premium dog food.


SPECIAL cat food.


PAWS Republiques’s products: Medicine for pets.

“Our dog shampoo contains madre de cacao which is good for itchiness. Louse is a common cause for it, especially now that they are in season again. A lot of people are looking for this kind of product,” Jesrael Jhon Bohol, Paws Republique co-owner, said.

He remains thankful that their business, born out of passion for animals is doing quite well.

“It really is difficult because you have to handle a lot when it comes to suppliers. We just conceptualized the business by ourselves, we don’t have any connections. Just pure research and eventually it boomed,” Bohol said.

He advises pet owners to refrain from feeding our pets with just solid food or those with high sodium content to avoid urinary tract infection.

“There are pet owners who are clueless when it comes to feeding their pets. What we offer are brands that are safe. It’s better to prevent than to cure,” Bohol said.

Paws Republique is one of the many merchants who joined Daily Tribune’s Tindahan ni Tarsee bazaar held at the Ayala Malls Manila Bay on 25 to 27 November.

“The experience was the best. We didn’t expect what happened, to the point that we already felt overwhelmed with the customers. The bazaar is such a big opportunity for us as a self-concept business.
We are looking forward to marketing our store here in the Philippines,” Bohol said.

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