10 steps forward to a fresh you

It doesn’t take a new year to remind us about one important truth. Call it a window, an opportunity, an ability, a chance that is ever present.

But there is one condition: We need to take that step forward. We are given the power of choice. Most people are triggered by life events to effect change in their lives. It could be a death or tragedy in the family, a marriage, the ending of a relationship, the loss of a job, a shifting of careers, entering the senior years or simply the passing of another year.

Clearly, with change comes newness and new prospects with outcomes. Shall we go through some vital guidelines?

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BROADEN your horizons by traveling.

Embrace your silence. Prepare the environment that surrounds you with peace. Be still. Quiet your thoughts, face your fears, traumas and anxieties. There is no room for distraction.

Make time for reflection. Calm your mind. Connect with your inner self through mindful breathing and by listening to your inner voice.

Look back. It’s good to see what you wish to leave behind. In this way, you can define your starting point. It could be your old self, bad habits, past fears and failures, disappointments, pain and hurt and unfulfilled expectations. Let them go, not with bitterness, but with grace.

Define the beginning. With clarity of mind and openness of heart, you can start to define your starting point.

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CALm your mind.

Look forward. Eyes on the future by digging your heels deep in the present. After all, the present is the birthplace of the future. Accept this moment now for what it is — the hopeful reminder of what can be. Look at the many possibilities of who you are and what you can become.

Examine what is important to you, what you truly value. This will help you set your priorities.

Set your goals. Write them down.

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EXERCISE your brain with books.

Set deadlines. You have a whole year to map out your plans.

Muster the courage. Fearlessly, you can take one bold step at a time.

Reward yourself. Set up a reward system for yourself. Yes, you deserve a prize. For every victory, a gift no matter how big or small it might be.

Affirmation: “2023 is my year!”

Love and light!

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