5 New Year’s resolutions

It’s the time of year when we sit down and do some introspection, perhaps make a proverbial list of resolutions. Here are some that may be of help:

1. Practice mindfulness. Be considerate to the feelings of others. Be kind to ourselves and to everyone we interact with.

2. Get organized. Have a 365-day planner to jot down plans and programs daily for the entire year. Writing down one’s thoughts always produces positive results.

Photograph courtesy of pexels/august de richelieu
SOCIAL time is important for happiness.

3. Spend quality time with family and friends. We always speak of this desire, but do we really take time and effort to be with loved ones? Do we try to spend milestone events and precious moments with each other? Make each moment in life count. Touch lives, uplift those we love because we become better persons by doing so.

4. Learn a new skill or hobby which, ideally, should financially augment one’s regular job. Reinvent oneself to for growth.

5. A healthy mind in a healthy body is the best way to live. Exercise daily and walk more. Take in the sunshine for an hour each day. Meditate while soaking in the warmth of the sun. Eat healthy food. Think positive.

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SET goals.

Every year, millions of people around the world make New Year’s resolutions, hoping to spark positive change in their lives and to their loved ones.

The pandemic has inspired a more active approach to good health, fitness, improved finances, and learning new things for personal and professional development. Despite the best of intentions, though, once the excitement of a new year wears off, many find it hard to make good on their plans.

Photograph courtesy of pexels/engin ankyurt
46 percent of people who make New Year’s resolutions are successful.

A study published by the Journal of Clinical Psychology said that only 46 percent of people who make New Year’s resolutions are successful.

One therefore needs to be mentally prepared for change. Reviewing strengths and weaknesses to match this awareness, be realistic to make resolutions doable.

In a nutshell, make goals that motivate and excite you. Happy New Year!

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