Why faith healers do ‘surgery’ in the nude

During the last 15 years, from 1975 to 1990, I have observed no less than 30 Filipino, one Brazilian, and one British faith healers.

One of the most baffling and incredible features of Philippine faith healing is the process known as bare-handed psychic surgery.

Psychic surgery is the process of making an incision on a patient’s body and taking out diseased tissues or blood clots using only the healer’s bare hands, and then closing the incision with hardly a trace of the operation at all.

Photograph courtesy
of pexels/jonathan borba
despite the numerous evidence of the reality of psychic surgery, the medical community has continued to regard faith healing as completely fraudulent.

Western faith healers use crude knives or other instruments to make an incision, which often leaves an ugly scar afterwards.

Because it defies all known laws of physics, biology, and medical science, psychic surgery has been denounced by the mainstream medical community as a product of trickery or sleight-of-hand, although this has never been conclusively proven.

Dr. Lyall Watson was a well-known South African botanist, biologist, and anthropologist who has written 25 books, the most famous of which is Supernature.

In his book, The Romeo Error, he related the following unbelievable psychic surgery he witnessed a Filipino healer perform on a completely naked female patient, while the healer wore only the shorts lent to him by Dr. Watson.

Photograph courtesy of Anchor Press
Dr. Lyall Watson’s ‘The Romeo Error.’

The following is how I described the incident as told by Dr. Watson:
“Dr. Watson was in his hotel having dinner with a Filipino faith healer when a foreign woman came and requested the healer to treat her.

“The healer begged off because he was not prepared and there was no place to perform psychic surgery. But the woman said she was leaving the next morning and had no more time. Dr. Watson offered his room for the treatment. Both patient and healer agreed to have treatment performed there.

“Then Dr. Watson thought it was the best opportunity to find out once and for all if the healers hid some chemicals to put in cotton they use for healing. It was suspected that healers hid the chemical that looks like blood in his pocket.

“So, he requested both healer and patient to be completely naked. Both agreed to do so. Dr. Watson lent the healer his shorts for the sake of modesty.

“Now, with the patient completely naked lying on the transparent glass table, the healer started making an incision on her body with his bare hands.

“And lo and behold! The same blood-like liquid that smelled of blood appeared on the patient’s body. There was no way the healer could have hidden the cotton or chemicals in his pocket because he was completely naked except for the shorts that he did not even own.

Dr. Watson could find no rational explanation for what he had witnessed, but he was convinced no trickery was involved.

Still, despite the numerous evidence of the reality of psychic surgery, the medical community has continued to regard faith healing as completely fraudulent.

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