A new year is always a great time to contemplate life. And while you’re at it, why don’t you include pets in your resolutions? Studies have shown that keeping pets decreases the levels of cortisol (a stress-related hormone) while at the same time lowering your blood pressure. Owning pets can also reduce loneliness, boost your mood and increase the feelings of social support.

As a pet parent, there is nothing more rewarding than seeing your fur babies happy and healthy.

Here are some that are worth keeping.

Exercise your pets. Daily walks are ideal for giving pets the exercise they require. Playtime is also an opportunity to exercise, mainly when it involves rigorous activities, significantly if it increases the heart rate for at least 30 minutes a day.

Feed them a healthier diet. Consult a veterinarian for food recommendations that suit your pet’s age, breed, and lifestyle. Only give them the recommended amount, and limit treats to only a tenth of their daily diet. Make sure to choose food brands that are scientifically formulated and nutritionally complete, which enables energy, bone and muscle development, a robust immune system, and shiny coats.

PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF PET FOOD INSTITUTE THERE’S nothing more rewarding than seeing your pet happy and healthy.

Visit the veterinarian regularly. Veterinarians play a critical role in maintaining your pets’ health. Try to give pets at least two wellness visits a year. With regular checkups come appropriate vaccinations, parasite prevention treatments, and early detection of other possible health problems.

Enroll in obedience training. Obedience training benefits pets as well as their owners. For pets, obedience training helps avoid temperament and behavior problems and teaches them to follow the rules or instructions. Obedience training helps mold good behavior, too, for pet owners.

Spend more quality time. Going on trips with pets could be something new to try this year now that many tourist destinations or shopping malls are welcoming people and their pets. Still, some experts recommend that playing in parks is the best way to spend time with your fur babies.

Adopt from the shelter. Consider your situation, financially and emotionally, if it benefits you to get another pet. If so, consider the rescue dogs or cats at your local animal shelters. They, too, deserve a loving and healthy forever home.

Make your pets’ well-being a priority this year. There’s no better time than now to become the best fur parent.

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