Resurrection of the anti-war movement

The “Rage Against the War Machine” rally held in Washington DC on 20 February 2023 articulated clearly the anti-war logic, a stinging rebuke of the US government.

Although this was the first major US anti-war rally since the Vietnam War, it was not that massive (several hundreds). But it is still a catalyst for future bigger protests, as the specter of nuclear war inches its way slowly into view based on new developments. The anti-war fever emerged late — almost a year after the Russian invasion of Ukraine — which means it may either hesitate or explode.

ANTI-WAR LOGIC. At the rally, former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard warned that the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine “could turn at any moment into a direct conflict between US-NATO and Russia. Whether intentional or accidental, there is only one destination — a nuclear holocaust…. We have (powerful) politicians speaking with a straight face about “how we gonna fight and win’ as if such a war could be won. It cannot be won.”

Former Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein “called for slashing the Pentagon’s enormous budget circa $100 billion,” which is siphoning off urgent funds needed at home — “for 70,000 people who die each year for lack of health insurance; a half million homeless people out in the streets; 33 million mired in student debt; 100 million in medical debt; 22 million impoverished children.”

Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich “cited a bombshell report by Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh to demand accountability from the US government.”, 20 February 2023.

Kucinich said, “In blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline, this government has used illegal and unconstitutional means to destroy the energy resources needed by millions of Europeans … then to profit from its illegal actions by selling energy to Europe at a four to six times markup.” As a result, the US has alienated itself from members of the EU. Kucinich called for action from the International Criminal Court.

Kucinich added that the US government’s “greatest talent is to craft misinformation and disinformation to subvert the media and misuse it as an instrument to incite fear and hatred among our people, stirring up ancient hatreds abroad through lies, deceit, false flag operations and provocations which profane the very essence of democracy.”

RESURRECTION OF ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT USA. Finally, the Phoenix is rising. The US anti-war movement died with the end of the Vietnam War. It has been silent all this while. But it is germinating back to life. This can be the beginning of a powerful force in American geopolitics.

Before the rally, anti-war organizer Nick Brana was interviewed by Clayton Morris on his TV program, Redacted. Brana spoke of “red lines” (dangerous moves towards nuclear war) that have been recently crossed consistently, inching slowly towards a direct conflict of troops.

In truth, Ukraine’s recent tactical victories have emboldened US-NATO-Germany to send in tanks that would make the Russian ones look like tin cans. Brana branded this new red-line crossing as the last straw which triggered the rally. He said, “Are you crazy? That would mean World War III.”

US-NATO has an illusion that the new tanks mean victory in a “tank war” just like in the days of Patton versus Rommel. The new tanks are subject to remote missiles and killer drones.

Morris added that the real goal of US-NATO is to “vulcanize Russia, cutting it up into multiple different countries,” and that Russia is fighting an “existential” war for the nation’s survival.

Brana said if US-NATO succeeds in building bases in Ukraine, their hypersonic missiles can reach Moscow “within three to five minutes”.

The anti-war logic says US-NATO is run by a handful of powerful people from the Pentagon and Wall Street. Biden and the White House are mere pawns. The destiny of humanity is in the hands of a few.

If the new anti-war fever intensifies, we may see more massive rallies that may rival those that ended the Vietnam War. If US President Joe Biden meets these rallies with truncheons, he may jump-start the new second American civil war being predicted in the media. (Read “The Second American Civil War” — (View the Brana interview —

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