As for our BoC, the use of unique codes adopted by several countries and millions of businesses around the world should be adopted and incorporated
Defining cybercrime
Moreover, the provisions on criminalization should include offenses against confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data
The Black Sea Grain Initiative
The availability and affordability of a consistent grain supply is essential to maintaining the competitiveness and profitability of these industries.
The Afghan refugees
Government should likewise disclose any repercussions, both declared and diplomatically unsaid, for the public to be aware of and to better prepare for
Are we ready for digital trade?
Digital documentation indeed speeds up the processing time
Moratorium: Customs duties on electronic transmissions
Digital trade is indubitably an immense economic driver that enhances productivity, innovation and competitiveness
Trust in global data flows
Data transfers are estimated to add $2.8 to the global gross domestic product — a share that exceeds global trade in goods and is expected to grow to $11 trillion by 2025
No pandemic can stop creativity
Unlike most art galleries and exhibition areas, the Center is situated in the middle of a poor community
Making the trade back office to front and center
Clients will clearly benefit as the ecosystem will grow as fintechs come in and reduce the cost of trade finance for SME.
If not now, when?
For some years, borders have complied to a system duly acknowledged by the World Customs Organization, where Identification Keys