Galvez calls for unity, cooperation among Bangsamoro leaders

All stakeholders in pursuit of long-lasting peace in the Bangsamoro region must rejoin the call for unity to promote the national interest and welfare of the people, Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation and Unity Carlito Galvez Jr. said Wednesday.

Galvez, in a statement, said Bangsamoro’s key stakeholders should prioritize the region’s constituents before anyone’s “political ambition, self-interest, and personal or pecuniary gain.”

“We believe that everyone in the Bangsamoro shares the same dreams, hopes and aspirations. We, therefore, encourage them to engage in open and peaceful dialogue in order to resolve pressing issues facing them,” Galvez said.

The peace adviser also encouraged the public to end political bickering “that will sow anger, division and discord,” and to “reject the culture of division, animosity and fear.”

“If left unaddressed, this could undermine the gains achieved under the peace process over the years,” Galvez warned, emphasizing that elections are already over and it’s time to set aside the “animosity created by this political exercise.”

The first regular elections in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) will be conducted three years from now. “Until such time,” said Galvez, “there is a need for us to provide the BARMM leadership with all the support it needs so that it can continue to effectively serve its people.”

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