IP rights office streamlines complaints dispensation

The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) has streamlined its processes of making decisions on disputed matters thanks to smart technologies.

The Memorandum Circular (MC) 2022-13, signed by IPOPHL director general Rowel Barba, made all process and system upgrades permanent in adjudicating cases, seeing how they proved effective in making processes more straightforward and ensuring the convenience and safety of stakeholders.

The said MC amended the Rules and Regulations on Inter Partes Proceedings.

“The adoption of electronic measures — which was part of our BRIGHT Agenda for an end-to-end automated or digitized process — was a lifesaver for our stakeholders during the pandemic as this ensured continued access to and delivery of our services, including adjudication and alternative dispute resolution of our Bureau of Legal Affairs,” Barba said.

He said the measures include e-Filing, online payment of fees, the conduct of online or virtual hearings and conferences, and e-service of notices, interlocutory orders, decisions and final orders.

“These measures are now a permanent fixture of our IP adjudication process. This means that adjudication can be initiated via email, hearings are done online, and the final decision served via email,” Barba added.

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