The Bureau of Customs said on Sunday that the Port of Cebu seized a shipment of misdeclared chlorine (sodium hypochlorite) worth P1.5 million following an inspection conducted by the agency along with representatives from the Enforcement and Security Service, Customs Intelligence and Investigation Service, Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, and the Philippine Coast Guard.
A total of 21,577 kilos of chlorine were discovered instead of calcium carbonate as declared on documents, resulting in P199,241.06 in lost duties and taxes.
Port of Cebu district collector Charlito Martin Mendoza immediately issued a Warrant of Seizure and Detention against the said shipment after finding probable cause for misdeclaration in violation of Section 1113 (F), (I), and (L-3, 4, & 5) of the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act.