Sleeping helmsman grounds ship

A ferry carrying 223 passengers ran aground between Igbon and Agho islands in Concepcion, Iloilo Wednesday dawn after its helmsman allegedly fell asleep, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said.

The MV Filipinas Cebu of Cokaliong Shipping Lines went into shallow waters around 12:08 a.m. Wednesday, according to a report of the PCG.

The ship’s master claimed the one manning the steer fell asleep.

No one was hurt in the accident.

No damage to the ship was caused and no water entered the vessel after the crew inspected its hull, the PCG report said.

The PCG’s Marine Environmental Protection Unit also did not find traces of oil spill in the vicinity of the ship.

The Filipinas Cebu departed from Port San Pedro Pier, Iloilo City and was bound for Tinago Port, Cebu City when it ran aground.

The PCG advised the master to file a marine protest at the PCG Station Iloilo.

Passengers of the Filipinas Cebu were transferred to its sister vessel MV Filipinas Nasipit which then ferried them to Tinago Port.

The passengers and 38 crew safely disembarked from the Filipinas Nasipit.

Meanwhile, the Maritime Industry Authority has suspended the passenger ship safety certificate (PSSC) of the Filipinas Cebu.

“While the PSSC is suspended, the coast guard will not allow the vessel to travel. The shipping company has to comply with the guidelines before the lifting of the suspension order by the Maritime Industry Authority,” PCG Iloilo Station Commander Paterno Belarmino

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