Heads will roll over ‘illegal’ sugar O.K.

Despite the resignation of Agriculture Undersecretary Leocadio Sebastian, the investigation into the “illegal” sugar import order continues to determine the “liabilities” of other officials of the Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA), Malacañang said on Friday night.

In a Facebook live, Press Secretary Trixie Cruz Angeles said Sebastian’s resignation “affects the administrative case” but not the possible criminal case after he “signed for and on behalf” of the President SRA sugar order no. 4.

“If the investigation reveals that there are criminal acts here, then he (Sebastian) will be appropriately charged. Pero hindi lang si Usec. Sebastian ang pinag-uusapan natin dito, may isang buong board, so titignan po natin yung liabilities ng ibang mga miyembro ng board na yun,” Angeles said.

Angeles, nevertheless, emphasized that the results of the investigation have not come out yet, thus it has not been established whether or not “there had been criminal acts” committed by the Agriculture officials.

“However, in his resignation may admissions siya, so kung saka-sakaling mayroong criminal case ito, then those admissions can be presented as evidence for the prosecution kung saka-sakaling may criminal case,” said Angeles, a lawyer.

Aside from Sebastian, the purported document had as its other “signatories” Administrator Hermenegildo Serafica, SRA Board vice-chairperson; Atty. Roland Beltran, board member representing millers; and Aurelio Gerardo Valderrama, acting board member representing planters.

Angeles has repeatedly stated that the signed resolution ordering the importation of 300,000 metric tons of sugar has not been authorized by President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.

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