DoTr suspends port shipping fees

The Department of Transportation, acting on orders of Transportation Sec. Jaime Bautista, has suspended a proposal to increase logistics and shipping fees in Philippine ports.

“We have suspended it. As far as reducing [the fees] is concerned, we are looking at it,” Transportation Sec. for Maritime Elmer Francisco Sarmiento told reporters on 18 August during a visit to the Philippine Coast Guard national headquarters.

Logistics fees have surged by 250 percent since the Russia-Ukraine war erupted in February, Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry official Perry Ferrer, whos sits as chairperson and chief executive officer of the EMS Group, an electronics, semiconductors and medical subcontracting group,

Earlier, the Philippine Ports Authority said statutory and regulatory costs, as well as indirect costs related to the efficiency and productivity of the ports, are under review.

The PPA will meet with other maritime government agencies, shipping line operators and other stakeholders to discuss the efficient utilization of facilities in gateway ports in Manila, Batangas, Cagayan de Oro and Iloilo. Raffy Ayeng.

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