Customs inspect warehouses suspected of sugar smuggling

The Bureau of Customs has conducted a series of inspections on several sugar warehouses suspected of smuggling amid a shortage in sugar production in the country, said Customs Commissioner Yogi Felimon Ruiz.

The inspections followed information that previous import permits had been reused to bring in new batches to exploit the current high demand for sugar.

Ruiz ordered Customs Director Jeoffrey Tacio to lead the inspections and conduct an investigation on the matter.

“The shipment from Thailand was covered by a Special Permit to Discharge and Verified Single Administrative Document from the bureau, and had a verified clearance from the Sugar Regulatory Administration,” Tacio said.

It was due for release at 11 a.m. on 18 August since it had a clearance from both BoC and SRA, but was put on hold.

BoC will refer warehouses in Caloocan and Marilao, Bulacan, to the Trade Department and SRA for possible infractions.

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