Ex-guerillas get P2.1-M assistance

CATBALOGAN CITY, Samar — A former New People’s Army leader who surrendered to the government together with 17 other cadres under his command have received P2.12 million in cash assistance from authorities.

The provincial peace panel here awarded P650,000 to Ka Dori who was instrumental in the surrender of the other guerillas in Villareal and Pinabacdao towns as well as 23 high-powered firearms as part of Samar’s Local Social Integration Program.

Ka Dori served as the Organizational Department Secretary and the Second in Command in the Guerilla Front Damol operating in the areas of Villareal and Pinabacdao. He said he did not expect to receive a large sum for his surrender as his only motivation was to live a normal life together with his family and to stop hiding from the military for fear of being caught or killed in an encounter.

“We are very grateful to the Philippine Army that we were able to see the help that the government is offering under the EO 70 of Duterte, the ELCAC (National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict). The government’s promise to help is true. It will be a big help for us, for our family, and alleviate our economic status since we are back in mainstream society, he said.

Under the LSIP, the local government will provide P25,000 to assist the transition of a surrenderee, P50,000 for livelihood assistance, and another P25,000 for each firearm surrendered.

Ka Dori was the Samar Peace Panel’s bridge to the rebel couple alias Noli and alias Messy, both under GF Damol, and six other NPA members. They surrendered and handed over different weapons.

GF Damol plays a vital role in the Communist Party of the Philippines and NPA’s transport and distribution of war materials and medical supplies to the different units in the region. The said group also caters to key leaders of the Central Committee in the communist organization.

Messy, a former political guide of the GF, and Noli, ex-vice commander of the front, each received P100,000 in cash aid.

Messy said she will use the money to start a livelihood and send her children to school.

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