‘News blackout’ in some needs ABS-CBN badly

A fresh motion in Congress intends to renew the franchise of ABS-CBN, whose “news…serves as the only avenue of…information” at some of the country’s farthest fringes, where people might still write on cave walls and hunt lunch with clubs.

On 5 May 2020, ABS-CBN stopped broadcasting absent NTC permit, over doubts about the legitimacy of its franchise.

The network operated online through block-time partnerships after Congress rejected its renewal.

Citing Typhoon Odette in 2021, Rep. Johnny Pimentel (Surigao Sur, 2nd) said Congress should note the cessation of ABS-CBN broadcast has left people groping in the dark due to lack of accessible information.

Reporters did not acquire a copy of the franchise bill filed by Pimentel on 30 June until its publication on the House of Representatives website.

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