Choox to go: ONIC parts ways with ChooxTv

ONIC PH has parted ways with popular streamer Edgar “ChooxTv” Duamli amid MPL Season 10.

ChooxTv, known for his playful builds such as tank Layla, never got to play for ONIC after two weeks of MPL.

“We would love to formally announce that Edgar “ChooxTv” Duamli has been officially released from our roster this season,” ONIC PH announced on Facebook.

“It has been our pleasure that you have been part of our team despite the short time we have spent together. We wish you nothing but the best!”

The MPL committee, for its part, accepted ChooxTv’s termination from ONIC but says it would impose a fine on the organization for violating its General Roster Change rules.

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