Foreign envoys condemn Ukraine invasion

Foreign diplomats in the Philippines on Wednesday condemned Russia’s continuous attempts against the sovereignty of Ukraine.

In a joint statement issued by the Embassies of Australia, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Delegation of the European Union to the Philippines they said Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has resulted in the price increase of fuel, food, fertilizer, and other essential commodities in the Philippines.

“The consequences of Russia’s illegal war are keenly felt in the Philippines, through increases in the prices of fuel, food, fertilizer, and other essential commodities. These effects are exacerbating poverty during a critical period of the country’s economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic,” the diplomats said.

They added that they will continue to demonstrate global solidarity to address the repercussions of Russia’s aggression, and they will also continue to support democratic institutions.

“In light of this, we continue to commit to demonstrating global solidarity through working to address the international repercussions of Russia’s aggression, especially on the most vulnerable. We will also continue our international support to democratic institutions and advancing common values and principles, including free media and countering disinformation and interference in democratic processes,” it added.

They also said that Russia’s attempt to re-draw its borders by force is a blatant violation of international law and a breach of the United Nations Charter.

“We condemn and will not recognize Russia’s continued attempts to re-draw borders by force, which is a blatant violation of international law, and breach of the United Nations Charter,” it said.
The diplomats said they will continue to call all states to condemn Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine.

“We reaffirm our strong opposition to any unilateral action that seeks to undermine the international rules-based system that underpins global peace, prosperity, and security. We continue to call on all states to join the growing chorus of condemnation for Russia’s aggression against Ukraine,” it added.

In a phone interview, Ukraine Embassy Chargé d’affaires in Malaysia and the Philippines Denys Mykhailiuk told the Daily Tribune that they are thankful to countries who showed their solidarity with Ukraine.

“We are very thankful for the like-minded countries to issue this statement. We greeted each one of them and this is a walk of support of Ukraine against fighting in unprovoked blatant aggression and the aggressive colonial war waged by Russia on Ukraine, six months ago,” Mykhailiuk said.

The Ukrainian diplomat believes that the impact of the Russian aggression destroys the system of international law.

“We supported the statement and we can also prove that the impact of these war waged on Ukraine impacts food prices on the world. It destroys the law order and system of international law all over the world. If this aggression succeeds, it will be used as a pattern of superpowers all over the world and here in Asia as well to violate rights and territorial integrity of the smallest states,” he added.

Tensions grew in the Ukraine capital as both President Zelensky and the US State Department warned that Russia could step up attacks around the holiday.

The celebrations are muted this year and large gatherings have been banned in Kyiv.

Kyiv’s city administration said it would close public service centers on Wednesday and Thursday, and shopping malls here said they would close for the anniversary for safety concerns.

With reports from AFP

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