Mapua highlights solid sci-tech background

It’s never too early to think of and plan for the future, even if you’re still in high school. As the global job market becomes more cutthroat with its steady shift towards digitalization and other technological advancements, it has opened up more employment opportunities for those with a background in science and technology.

Jobs in fields anchored on S&T like engineering, architecture, data science, information technology, health sciences, chemistry and biology, among others, are just some of the careers that continue to be in demand.

The job security and financial rewards of S&T-based jobs are good reasons for incoming senior high school students to seriously consider taking the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics strand of the Academic track and enrolling in a school with a strong foundation on S&T like Mapúa Senior High School.

Mapúa Senior High School has a solid curriculum that aims to build up the capabilities of students in critical thinking, problem solving, innovation and creativity, cultivating passions that can introduce and devise solutions to industrial, societal and environmental problems as well as developments that further improve quality of life.

“Mapúa Senior High School equips students with the fundamental concepts related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics. It paves the way for broader opportunities for students to learn and practice science and technology, preparing them early for innumerable career opportunities in various fields and industries,” said Dr. Dionisia Lanuza, principal of Mapúa Senior High School.

Lanuza added that the STEM strand equips students with fundamental concepts in biology, physics, calculus, technology, chemistry, and research to prepare them for college-level applied and pure sciences, engineering, information technology, and mathematics.

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